Saturday, March 15, 2008

Recently... well, ok... it was during Christmas vacation! But I just figured out how to download pics from our new camera... LOL! Mike decided to have a fun game night with the kids playing a Pirates Dice game. I was working at the computer while they played, but as you can see, I spent more time watching than working. It was certainly an evening worth capturing...

Hugs... *Linda*


Farmhouse Blessings said...

Linda, you are just too funny! And those little ones are precious!

Kelly~Once in a Blue Moon Primitives said...


That was beautiful! What a beautiful family you have. I could feel the love coming right out of that video.

Hugs & Love,

Anonymous said...

what fun! I remember playing games with the kids when they were little, we had some good they are a little too "cool" for it....they like me to play their PS2 games with them though...funny to see old mom down on the floor with the controller!